
Friday, October 10, 2014

Pathway To Paradise

Everyday is a new day, we just have to stay motivated to keep moving in a positive way. Each individual in this world has their own routine in life to get through their days. As we all have different lives, but yet we are all human and most likely dream about the same things. We want big houses, cool cars, vacations...etc. So as these days pass to one week, to one month,to one year our views change and we build our success even if we don't have that big house or car, or going on the vacation that we have been thinking about. Our success comes from the day's that have been a struggle to us and being able to get through them. And that is more than a golden ticket. Let's say your'e watching TV and you see the celebrities homes and cars, now thinking to yourself, I want that....I wish I had that....But now imagine if you were outside or somewhere else creating a good cause for an individual in need, at that moment you wouldn't be thinking about the money, cars, clothes...etc you would probably thinking to yourself, ''this feels great, I'm glad that I was helpful to that person.'' Creating good causes will effect you more than anything in this world, well at least I think so. We must remember to focus on the things that we can do one day at a time and have a limit for what we can do in the present, an overload can be quite tough sometimes. Sooner or later in life we will cross those limits with self-confidence, determination and good karma, we will then feel that we deserve the things in life we want. Everybody has their own time. Enjoy Life. 

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