
Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Ship of Friendship

A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert like island.

The two survivors who have been good friends, not knowing what else to do, agreed that they had no other recourse but to pray. However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the land, and he was able to eat it's fruit. The other man's parcel of land remained barren.

After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked, and the only survivors a women who swam to his side of the land. On the other side of the island was nothing.

Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more food. The next day, like magic, all these were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing.

Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at the side of the island. The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island.

He considered the other man unworthy to receive God's blessings, since none of his prayers had been answered.

As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice, "Why are you leaving your companion on the island?"

"My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them," The first man answered. "His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything."

"You are mistaken!" The voice rebuked him. "He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received an of my blessings."

"Tell me," the first man asked the voice, "What did he prayer for that I should owe him anything?"

"He prayed that all your prayers be answered."

Moral: For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us (Congregational Prayer). Value your friends, don't leave your loved ones behind.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This Cop Was Pulling Someone Over When Suddenly A Drunk Man Got In His Patrol Car. What Happened Next Is Gold.

A Virginia State Trooper pulled a car over on I-64 about 2 miles south of the Virginia/West Virginia State line...

When the trooper asked the driver why he was speeding, the driver said he was a Magician and Juggler and was on his way to Beckley, WV to do a show at the Shrine Circus. He didn't want to be late.

The trooper told the driver he was fascinated by juggling and said if the driver was fascinated by juggling and said if the driver would do a little juggling for him then he wouldn't give him a ticket. He told the trooper he had sent his equipment ahead and didn't have anything to juggle.

The trooper said he had some flares in the trunk and asked if he could juggle them.

The Juggler said he could, so the trooper got 5 flares, lit them and handed them to him.

While the man was juggling , a car pulled in behind the patrol car, opened the rear door and got in.

The trooper observed him and went over to the patrol car and opened the door asking the drunk what he thought he was doing.

The drunk replied, "You might as well take my butt to jail because there ain't no way I can pass that test."

This Lawyer Tried Tricking The Jury Into Freeing His Client. But Didn't Expect This.

A defendant was on trial for murder in Philadelphia. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no body.

In the defense's closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all," the lawyer said as he looked as he looked at his watch. "Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom."

He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all looked on eagerly. A minute passed. Nothing happened.

Finally the lawyer said, "Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked on with anticipation. I, therefore, put it to you that there is reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insists that you return a verdict of guilty.

"But how?" inquired the lawyer. "You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.2

Answered the jury foreman: "Oh, we did look. But you client didn't."

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Think Wisely

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his extended family. He would miss the pay check each week, but he wanted to retire. They could get by.
The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to inspect the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, "This is your gift to you."

The carpenter was shocked!

What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.

So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then, with a chock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.

But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and everyday you hammer a nail, place a board, or build a wall. Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your attitude, and the choices you make today, helps build the "house" you will live in tomorrow.

Therefore, build wisely!



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Staying Positive

A jobless man applied for the position of "Office Boy" at a very big company.

The employer interviewed him, then a test: clean the floor.]

"You are hired."- the employer said. "Give me your email address, and I'll send you the application to fill, as well as when you will start."

The man replied, "I don't have a computer, neither an email."

"I'm sorry," said the employer, "If you don't have an email, that means you don't exist.
And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job."

The man left with no hope. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket.

He then decided to go to the supermarket, bought a 10 kg tomato crate, then sold the tomatoes door to door. In less than two hours, he succeeded and doubled his capital.

He repeated the operation 3 times and returned home with $60. The man realized that he could survive this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and returned late. Thus the money doubled or tripled everyday. Shortly later, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.

Five years later, the mans company was one of the biggest food retailers. he started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.

He called an insurance broker and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker replied curiously, "You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Do you imagine what you could have done if you had an email?"

The man paused for a while, and replied: "An Office Boy!"


The Falcon and The Branch

Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons. They were peregrine falcons, the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. He gave the precious birds to his head falconer to be trained.

Months passed, and one day the head falconer informed the king that though one of the falcons was flying majestically, soaring high in the sky, the other bird had not moved from it's branch since the day it had arrived.

The king summoned healers and sorcerers from all the land to tend to the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly.

He presented the task to the member of his court, but the next day, the king saw through the palace window that the bird had still not moved from his perch.

Having tried everything else, the king thought to himself, "May be I need someone more familar with the countryside to understand the nature of his problem." So he cried out to his court, "Go and get the farmer."

In the morning, the king was thrilled to see the falcon soaring high above the palace gardens. He said to his court, "Bring me the doer of this miracle."

The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king. The king asked him, "How did you make the falcon fly?"

With his head bowed, the farmer said to the king,
"It was very easy, your highness. I simply cut the branch where the bird was sitting."

Moral: We are all made to fly-to realize our incredible potential as human beings. But at times we sit on our branches, clinging to the things that are familiar to us. The possibilities are endless, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered. We conform to the familiar, the comfortable, and the mundane. So far the most part, our lives are mediocre instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling. Let us learn to destroy the branch of fear we cling to and free ourselves to the glory of fight!


Monday, May 18, 2015

The Boy and a Tree

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday. He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow...he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by...the little boy had grown all up and he no longer played around the tree everyday.

One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. "Come and play with me," the tree asked the boy. "I am no longer a kid, I do not play around trees anymore," the boy replied. "I want toys. I need money to buy them." "Sorry, but O do not have money...but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money. The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.

One day, the boy who now turned into a man and the tree was exited "Come and play with me" the tree said. "I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?" said the man. "Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy." So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.

Finally, the man returned after many years. "Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you anymore. "No more apples for you," the tree said. "No problem, I do not have any teeth to bite" the man replied. "No more trunk for you to climb on" the tree said. "I am too old for that now" the man said. "I really cannot give you anything...the only thing left is my dying roots" the tree said with tears. "I do not need much now, "I just need a place to rest. I am tired after all these years" the man replied. "Good! Old tree toots are the best place to lean on and rest, "Come, come sit down with me and rest." The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears...

Moral: The tree is like our parents. When we were young, we loved to play with our Mom and Dad. When we grow up, we leave them. Only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could just to make you happy. You may think the bay is cruel to the tree, but that is how all of us treat our parents. We take them for granted we don't appreciate all they do for us until it's too late.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Baby Camel and Mother

A mother and a baby camel were lying around, and suddenly the baby camel asked, "Mother, may I ask you some questions? Mother said, "Sure! Why son, is there something bothering you? Baby said, "Why do camels have humps?" Mother said, "Well son, we are desert animals, we need the humps to store water and we are well known to survive without water." Baby said, "okay, then why are our legs long and our feet rounded?" Mother said, "Son, obviously they are meant for walking in the desert You know these legs I can move around the desert better than anyone does!" Baby said, "Okay then why are our eyelashes long? Sometimes it bothers my sight." Mother with pride said, "My son, those long thick eyelashes are your protective covers. They help to protect the desert sand and wind.!"

Baby after thinking said, I see. So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert, the legs are for walking through the desert and these eyelashes protect my eyes from the desert, then what in the world are we doing here in the zoo!?"

Friday, May 15, 2015

Father and Son

One day, a father was doing some work and his son came and asked, "Daddy, may I ask you a question?" Father said, "Yeah sure, what is it?" So his son asked, "Dad, how much do you make an hour?" Father got a bit upset and said, "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?" Son said, "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" So, father told him, "I make Rs. 500 per hour."

"Oh", the little boy replied, with his head down. Looking up, he said, "Dad, may I please borrow Rs. 300?" The father furiously said, "if the only reason you asked about my pay is so that you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or other nonsense, then march yourself to your room and go to bed. Think why you are being selfish. I work hared every day and do not like this childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man say down and started to get even angrier about the little boys questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so, the father had calmed down, and started to think, "Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that Rs. 300 and he really and he really didn't ask for money very often!" The man went to the door of his sons room and opened the door. "Are you asleep, son?"He asked. "No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy. "Iv'e been thinking, maybe I was to hard on you earlier", said the father. "It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you, Here's the Rs. 300 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up, smiling "oh thank you dad!" He yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled some crippled up notes. The father, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father.

"Why do you want money if you already had some?" the father grumbled. "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied. "Daddy I have Rs. 500 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you." The father was dumb stuck.

Moral:It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life! We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family and friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Ship of Friendship

A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert like island.

The two survivors who have been good friends, not knowing what else to do, agreed that they had no other recourse but to pray to God. However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the land, and he was able to eat it's fruit. The other man's parcel of the land remained barren.

After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked, and the only survivor was a women who swam to his side of the land. On the other side of the island, there was nothing.

Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes, more food. The next day, like magic, all of these were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing.

Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at his side of the island. The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island.

He considered the other man unworthy to receive God's blessings, since none of his prayers had been answered.

As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heaven booming, "Why are you leaving your companion on the island?"

"My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them," the first man answered. "His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything."

"You are mistaken!" the voice rebuked him. "He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings."

"Tell me," the first man asked the voice, "What did he pray for that I should owe him anything?"

"He prayed that all your prayers be answered."

Moral: For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us (Congregational Prayer). Value your friends, don't leave your love ones behind.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Keep Your Dream

I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Isidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.

The lat time I was there he introduced me by saying, "I want to tell you why I let Jack use my horse. It all goes back to a story about a young girl who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy's high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

"That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in a great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.

"He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, "See me after class."

"The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, "Why did I receive an F?"

"The teacher said, This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from as itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud fees. There's no way you could ever do it." Then the teacher added, "If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will consider your grade."

"The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, "Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you." "Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all.

He stated, "You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream."

Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, "I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. i still have that school paper framed over the fireplace." He added, "The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same school teacher brought 30 kids to camp out to my ranch for a week." When the teacher was leaving, he said, "Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream steal-er . During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours."

Moral: Don't let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what. No dream is too big or too small when one works hard to live it. One should always try making dreams come true no matter what.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Struggles Of Our Life

Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn't know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen.
He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.

Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup.

Turning to her, he asked. "Daughter, what do you see?" "Potatoes, eggs and coffee," she hastily replied.

"Look closer," he said, "and touch the potatoes." She did and noted that they were soft.

He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. It's rich aroma brought a smile to her face.

"Father, what does this mean?" she asked.

He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each on reached differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting it's liquid interior until it was put in boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard. However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.

"Which one are you?" he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Moral: In life, things happen around us, things happens to us but the only thing that truly matters is how you react to it and what you make out of it. Life is all about learning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something positive.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Man Gets Worried Before A Blind Date. His Friend Suggests This Back Up-Up Plan

Joe sets up his friend Michael to go on a blind date with a friend of a friend of his.

But Mike is a little worried about going out with someone he's never seen before.

"What do I do if she's ugly?" says Mike, "I'll be stuck with her all night."

"Don't worry," Joe says, "Just go up to her door and meet her first. If you like what you see, then everything goes as planned.

If you don't just shout, "Aaaaaaaauggggghhhhh!" and fake an asthma attack. That'll give you an excuse to cancel the date right then and there."

So that night, Mike knocks at the girl's door and when she comes out he is awe-struck at how beautiful and sexy she is. He's about to speak when the lady suddenly shouts:



Monday, May 4, 2015

This man Just Made A Huge Sacrifice For His Wife. Then She Said This.

A married couple was in a terrible accident where the wife's face was severely burned.

The doctor told the couple that they couldn't graft any skin from her body because her skin was too thin. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin.

However, the skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from and they requested that the doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter.

After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the women's new face. She looked more beautiful than she ever had before. All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty!

One day, she was alone with her husband and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She said, "Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me. How can I possibly repay you?"

"Darling" he replied, "I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother kiss you on the cheek."


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Wife Asks Her Husband This In Bed. But She Certainly Wasn't Expecting This Reply

A husband and wife are sitting quietly in bed reading when the wife looks over at him and asks the question...
Wife: "What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?"

Husband: "Definitely not!"

Wife: "Why not? Don't you like being married?"

Husband: "Of course I do.."

Wife: "then why wouldn't you remarry?"

Husband: "Okay, okay, I'd get married again."

Wife: "You would?" (with a hurt look)

Husband: (makes audible groan)

Wife: "Would you live in our house?"

Husband: "Sure, it's a great house."

Wife: "Would you sleep with her in our bed?"

Husband: "Where else would we sleep?"

Wife: "Would you let her drive my car?"

Husband: "Probably, it's almost new."

Wife: "Would replace my pictures with hers?"

Husband: "That would seem like the right thing to do."

Wife: "Would you give her my jewelry?"

Husband: "No, I'm sure she'd want her own."

Wife: "Would you take her golfing with you?"

Husband: "Yes, those are always good times."

Wife: "Would she use my clubs?"

Husband : "No, she's left handed."
